Lost in the forest. The devil inside

Once upon a time, nestled deep in the heart of the forest, there was an old house that stood tall and proud. Its towering presence was only amplified by the huge metal door that guarded its entrance, a testament to its age and the secrets it held within.

Mike and Anna were two lost souls, wandering aimlessly through the dense forest. As they walked, they stumbled upon the old house and, being without any other options, decided to venture inside.

The inside of the house was dusty and abandoned, with cobwebs hanging from the ceiling and old furniture scattered throughout the rooms. As they explored the old mansion, they heard a strange noise coming from the basement.

With curiosity getting the best of them, they made their way down the creaky stairs and were greeted with a room full of old stuff. Suddenly, something caught their eye. It was a doll, sitting in the corner, its eyes fixed on them.

As they approached the doll, it suddenly sprang to life, jumping towards them and touching Anna. She was petrified with fear, and Mike quickly grabbed a piece of wood to defend himself and his friend.

The doll was shouting, "It's me, Anna!" But Mike didn't believe it, he thought it was just the doll playing tricks on them. He swung the piece of wood, striking the doll and destroying it in the process.

As they left the house, Mike thought everything was back to normal, but he didn't know the truth. The doll had exchanged minds with Anna, and now the girl next to him was the devil inside the doll.

Days turned into weeks, and weeks into months, but something was different about Anna. She had a strange aura around her, and Mike couldn't help but feel uneasy whenever he was near her. Little did he know, the real Anna was trapped inside the doll, screaming for help.

As time passed, Anna's true identity began to reveal itself. She started to behave erratically, and her eyes turned a menacing shade of red. Mike was scared and didn't know what to do.One day, as he was walking through the forest, he stumbled upon a wise old sage who knew the truth about Anna. He revealed that the doll had possessed Anna's body, and that the only way to save her was to find the doll's remains and destroy them once and for all.

With the help of the sage, Mike set out on a journey to find the doll's remains. They searched high and low, but the doll was nowhere to be found. Just when they were about to give up, they stumbled upon a hidden room in the old house.

Inside the room, they found the remains of the doll, and Mike knew what he had to do. He took a deep breath and destroyed the doll's remains, freeing Anna from its grasp.

The real Anna was finally free, and Mike was overjoyed. They left the old house and never looked back, grateful for the adventure that brought them together and the love that saved them both.


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