The Gaia's Odyssey
In the year 2237, Earth had established various interstellar programs for young pioneers, aimed at developing their skills in space exploration and planet colonization. The Gaia's Odyssey program selected 30 bright teenagers to embark on a mission to explore the vast cosmos. Their spaceship, the SS Genesis, was a marvel of engineering, equipped with the latest technology to support their journey. However, fate had different plans for the young crew. As the SS Genesis passed through a treacherous asteroid belt, the ship was struck by a rogue asteroid. The impact sent the spaceship spiraling out of control, plummeting towards a nearby known planet, Velaria IV. With systems failing and the hull severely damaged, only six teenagers managed to escape the wreckage in emergency life pods: Anna, Caren, Gemma, Luigi, Marco, and Mario. The six survivors found themselves in the dense jungles of Velaria IV. With limited supplies from the life pods, they quickly realized they would need to sear...